The Biggest Mistakes Parents of Young Children Make

Parenting is something that most humans have to do at one point in our lives, and merely 10% of us are good at it. 

The truth is, we don’t know what we are doing most of the time. There is so much to learn about human psychology, mind, and soul that cracking this challenge code feels unbearable. 

As Sufi poet Bulleh Shah wrote, “One Can Become a Scholar, Reading Books, Yet One Never Reads What is Inside One.” 

"ਪੜ੍ਹ ਪੜ੍ਹ ਆਲਮ-ਫਾਜ਼ਲ ਹੋਇਓ, 

ਕਦੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਪੜ੍ਹਿਆ ਹੀ ਨਹੀਂ!"

One won’t want to be too strict with their children, yet pampering them into brats would be too much. 

The best advice that you read about life is that you can learn from other’s mistakes. So, today, we are discussing the most significant mistakes parents of young children make and how you can avoid those. 

Shall we?

The Baby Language 

How many people may have seen struggling in the first few years of school due to their speech impairment? Some also carry the condition to their adult lives. 

Now, when it is a psychological issue, as a parent, you can feed this evil unconsciously, too. Understandably, your child is growing up; the child has developed their vocabulary, and it is cute. However, if you are also using it in front of your child, they may think it is how the words may sound. 

Their preschool teachers will have to put a lot of effort into teaching them the real world’s correct vocabulary and trust me; sometimes it does not work even then. 

So, the rule of thumb regarding baby language is don’t! Parents’ replies should be warm and nurturing, yet in clear speech and sentences, so the child can develop a stable language. 

Also, parents should avoid using the baby’s language tone. 

Did you know?

BIPS students can converse in 4 languages by the age of six. Punjabi, French, English, and Hindi are basic languages taught to BIPS students. 

Discipline vs Creativity 

Have you ever heard someone say their child is mature for their age? Or if their child never listens to them, making the house chaotic? Both statements are part of a big mistake young parents tend to make. 

The first is the result of too much strictness, and the second is the result of a lack of discipline. Many studies emphasize the fact that a kid needs both.

World-renowned MIT claims that if structured habits and freedom are balanced, the result will be the highest levels of transformation. 

A 2018 study by Stanford University’s Angela Duckworth shows that for successful individuals like scientists and writers when both have very high discipline and higher creativity, the restraints come from within themselves. 

As per a Harvard study conducted by Amabile & Pratt in 2016, moderate discipline like structured problem-solving and deadlines elevate creativity in people. However, extra constraints such as punishments or structural rules eat creative thinking. 

When one can’t hit or slap a kid for any minute mistake, ignoring them will also set the child up for failure. 

Time out can be a great way to teach a child about the value of discipline. For the rest, you must check what works best for your child.

Did You Know?

BIPS preschool has mixed-age classrooms where children learn from their peers and teachers, who encourage them to learn while playing through the five senses. Our six-year-old students can do maths with 10,000 digits. 

Taking Them Away From the Nature

Overprotective parents or germaphobic guardians take away the joy of nature from their kids. 

When the common thought is that exposing their kids to sand or dirt can ruin their health, the reality is far from it. 

A five-minute park walk can ignite your child’s mental alertness. Similarly, as per Lt. Dr. Amar Singh Azad of Rajindra Hospital Patiala, sand or dirt are the most significant building blocks of your child’s metabolism.

The biggest flaw in this trail of thinking is that parents manage to hide their kids from minimal illness while serving them the more significant danger of increased screen time. 

WHO’s (World Health Organization) 2019 study says that children under five should not have over an hour of screen time. The survey underlines that higher screen time means poor posture, obesity, and lousy motor skills. 

Did You Know

At BIPS, we have all the major sports in India. We believe children can learn from everything in this world, so we keep values at the same height as studies. Our many students have represented India in many sports. 

Ending Note

So, these are some common mistakes that young parents make, and after reading this blog, you should avoid them at all costs.

Raising a child is already hard for new parents; you are entering a new phase of your life. It is a little concerning, but don’t worry; we have your back. 

You and BIPS will raise a genius together!